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[FAQ]What's the best method for selecting an appropriate high-efficiency motor?[ 2015-07-08 10:09 ]
The way to make the correct economical choice is to evaluate the life-cycle cost, which includes the purchase price plus an estimate of future operating costs and length of service. The longer high-efficiency motors are run, and the higher their duty cycles, the more energy they will save. The greatest savings are attained where utility rates are highest.
[FAQ]How much can be saved by using high-efficiency motors?[ 2015-07-08 10:08 ]
The purchase price of a motor might account for only 1 to 2 percent of the total cost, including energy costs, of running a motor for 10 or 20 years. Compared with older standard or EPAct efficiency motors, a high-efficiency motor — one that exceeds EPAct minimums by a wide margin — can pay back its original cost many times over through energy savings.
[FAQ]What is the difference between an AC motor and a DC motor?[ 2015-07-08 09:31 ]
While both A.C. and D.C. motors serve the same function of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, they are powered, constructed and controlled differently.
[FAQ]Why use high voltage motors?[ 2015-07-07 17:03 ]
Most of hybrid vehicles such as Toyota Prius use high voltagemotors which reach voltages beyond 500 V.Such high voltages are dangerous and require assembly frommany hundreds of batteries.In one place I`ve read that powerelectric motor draws is related to volts...
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